Monday, September 5, 2011

Checklist of a New Comic Reader 09.07.11: Badass Superman

Last week, the New DCU finally kicked off, and this week sees the arrival of one of the big guns DC has on it's hand: Action Comics #1.On Marvel's side, I don't have anything to read other than Wolverine #15. Here's my checklist.

-Action Comics #1
Justice League #1 was "the" comic book I was waiting for since it's launch. Now that it launched, "the" comic book that I can't wait to read is Grant Morrison's run of Superman, which is Action Comics #1. I should admit, it was really between Batman #1 which will come later this month and Action Comics #1, but after I saw the previews on Newsarama which shows this "teen" Superman is not the saint we're used to, a badass, it got the top spot. I love how Grant Morrison acts like the professor of Superheroes, and I think it's one of the DC's best choices to give this guy the Superman of the new generation. This totally is "the" comic book of this week, and the rest of the month.

-Swamp Thing #1
To be honest, I don't know anything about Swamp Thing. I know the twist of the Alan Moore series, but nothing else. The reason I'll definately check this out is Scott Snyder. Whatever that guy touches becomes gold, and knowing how much Swamp Thing is popular and loved among fans, this is a must-read for me.

-Wolverine #15
After the shocking twist of the last issue, I can't wait to see where Jason Aaron takes this series to. Seeing the teaser of Marvel of another guy writing Wolverine, these may be our last readings of the Wolverine series by Jason Aaron (whatever, we'll have Wolverine and the X-Men).

-Batgirl #1
The reason this is on my checklist is pretty obvious, I believe: Barbra Gordon is back as the Batgirl. I don't know the character's times as the Batgirl, but I'm a huge fan of Alan Moore's The Killing Joke, and I'd hate it to be removed from continuity, but DC made official that it won't be. Like I said, I never read a with Barbra Gordon, but I've read a lot where she was Oracle, and I really want to see her fight with Nightwing on issue 3.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so behind in my reading, but if Grant Morrison is on Superman now I'll have to start reading again. Loved his Batman run.
